What Problems Can a Lip Tie Cause?

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what problems can a lip tie cause

Lip ties are a reasonably common but sometimes overlooked oral condition that can cause a variety of issues, especially in newborns and young children. While not as well-known as tongue ties, lip ties can cause a variety of problems that might compromise a child’s nursing, oral development, and overall well-being.

Lip ties occur when the skin strip connecting the upper lip to the upper gum (labial frenulum) is shorter or thicker than normal. This syndrome can limit upper lip mobility, making it difficult for a kid to latch onto the breast or bottle nipple adequately. It can also have an impact on their oral development as they grow.

Lip tie surgery, just like other procedures, does pose some risks to patients, though they are extremely low. Nonetheless, you should still be made aware of them. They are described below for your convenience.

Breastfeeding Difficulties

Breastfeeding difficulties are one of the most common issues connected with lip tie. The strong connection of the top lip to the gums can make it difficult for the baby to latch onto the breast effectively. This can cause the breastfeeding mother pain and discomfort, as well as poor milk transfer for the infant, resulting in delayed weight gain and frustration during feeding sessions.

Solution: If a lip tie is interfering with nursing or indicating any lip tie symptoms, a healthcare provider can perform an easy procedure called a frenotomy. The tight tissue is removed or released to improve the baby’s ability to latch and nurse properly.

Speech Development Issues

Lip ties can also have an impact on speech development, especially in older children. The restricted movement of the upper lip may impair the ability to correctly make certain sounds and pronounce particular words. Children with severe lip tie may struggle to articulate sounds such as “th,” “f,” and “v.”

Solution: Speech therapy can assist children with speech development challenges caused by lip tie. A frenotomy may be recommended in rare patients if the knot is severe and limits speech growth.

Dental Problems

Lip ties can cause dental problems in both toddlers and adults. Excessive frenulum pulling on the gums can develop a gap between the front teeth (diastema) or gum recession. Due to difficulty brushing or flossing around the affected area, cavities, and gum disease can result from poor oral hygiene.

Solution: To repair dental abnormalities caused by lip tie, orthodontic therapy may be required. A frenotomy may be recommended in extreme situations to avoid future damage and enhance oral hygiene.

Cosmetic Concerns

Lip ties can occasionally cause cosmetic problems, particularly if the frenulum is prominent and noticeable when smiling. This could lower a person’s confidence and self-esteem, making them anxious about the way they look.

Solution: For lip tie-related cosmetic problems, a treatment called frenuloplasty can be used to make the upper lip look better by making the frenulum less noticeable.

Solutions for Lip Ties


To fix a lip tie, a common and very straightforward procedure known as frenotomy can be performed. A healthcare professional or tongue tie specialist near you cuts the frenulum during this operation to relieve stress and allow for improved lip mobility. Frenotomy is often a short, minimally invasive procedure that infants tolerate well.

Lip Exercises

Lip exercises are necessary after a frenotomy to promote healthy healing and increase lip movement. To prevent reattachment, these exercises involve gently rubbing and extending the lip tissue.

Lactation Support

Working with a lactation consultant can be quite beneficial for breastfeeding parents. They can advise on positioning, latch techniques, and how to overcome breastfeeding difficulties caused by a lip knot.

Seek Expert Care and Consultation for Lip Tie and Other Dental Issues Today!

At Tampa Tongue Tie Center, we understand the necessity of resolving lip ties and other dental problems as soon as possible. Our experienced team of specialists is committed to providing expert treatment and consultation aimed at your individual needs. Don’t put off seeking our professional services to ensure comprehensive and compassionate treatment for your or your child’s oral health. Your smile deserves the utmost care, and we’re here to provide it to you at the tongue tie center in Tampa.